With tons of new weight loss shakes popping up everywhere, it is easy to wonder how well they actually work for losing weight. If they do in fact work, which ones are the best and which ones just don't make the cut.
Herbalife first started in business with a weight reduction shake (Formula 1) over 30 years ago. Mark Hughes, who was the founder of Herbalife, saw his mother struggle with her weight her entire life and decided, after her death, to make something that was healthier for those who continued to try to lose weight.
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Of course, Herbalife does not consider its weight loss shake as just that, but it is actually considered a meal replacement shake. The reason being is because it can be used not only for weight reduction but weight management and weight gain. It contains all the nutrients one would need in a single meal.
So, do Herbalife "weight loss shakes" actually work for weight loss?
Well, just as many weight reduction products, if used as directed it works very well. The problem with any weight loss shakes is that many people believe that they can drink one or two shakes a day and eat whatever they whatever they want the rest of the day. Sometimes that may work but it will not lead to lifelong weight reduction success.
Herbalife suggests that in the weight reduction process, you should drink 2 shakes a day, and have a "colorful" meal. While following these directions over thousands upon thousands of people have had tremendous success.
So what makes Herbalife's "weight loss shakes" better or different than all of the others?
Like many high quality weight loss shakes, Herbalife's Formula 1 is low in calories, and high in protein, which helps keep hunger at bay. It comes in several different flavors, depending on what country you are in in. Here in the U.S, there is Dutch chocolate, French vanilla, cookies and cream, cafe latte, wild berry, pina coloda and orange cream. They also release new flavors during different times of the year such as mint chocolate.
Because of the variety of the flavors of these shakes you get quite a bit of options to choose from with each one you make. You can mix them together or just use one flavor.
Another great benefit with Herbalife's weight loss shakes is the fact that it gives you all of the nutrients you would get from a normal healthy meal. It boosts energy and curbs hunger. There is no hunger suppressant to add and no flavors to add to unlike other popular weight loss shakes. Of course you can add extra protein and other types of flavoring such as fruit, yogurt, flavored extracts, etc. The possibilities are endless.
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